1st T32 Research Symposium October 11, 2024 9-1pm
The 1st annual T32 Research Symposium will be held on Friday, Oct 11th from 9-1pm in BIOE 1001, feature Prof. Paul Janmey (U Penn) as the keynote.

Please mark your calendars for the 1st annual T32 Research Symposium on Friday, October 11! The event will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, and will be held in BIOE 1001. We're looking forward to seeing you all, and discussing UCSB's ongoing research in quantitative mechanobiology. Our keynote address, The cell nucleus as an active material, will be delivered by Dr. Paul Janmey, from the University of Pennsylvania, and we will have talks from several graduate students.
Schedule of Events:
9:00-9:30am | Breakfast |
9:30-9:45am | T32 Symposium Opening Remarks |
9:45-11 am | Keynote: Paul Janmey, "The cell nucleus as an active material" |
11:15-1:00 |
Isabel Ruffin, "Dynamics of Passive and Active Microtubules in Entangled Actin Networks" Ian Tayler, "Matrix viscoelasticity regulates osteogenesis through histone demethylases KDM4B and KDM6B" Annie Rogers, "A genome-wide CRISPRi screen identifies biomechanical factors affecting trogocytosis lethality" Break Emily Gemmill, "RhoA and its effectors uniquely modulate border cell cluster texture and mechanics" Sachit Nagella, "Enhanced Diffusion in Dynamic Porous Media Suggests Transport Mechanisms on Living Surfaces" Andrew White, "Hijacking of Extracellular Vesicles as antibiotic drug delivery systems against Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation in mechanically favorable 3D biomaterials" |
Please RSVP here by Friday, October 4 if you plan to attend! Breakfast and lunch will be served, so we need a headcount for food. Thank you!
Organized by Gianna Gathman (Stowers Lab) and Emily Gemmill (Denise Montell Lab)