Studies mucin dynamics to understand its role in friction and shear dissipation. Also investigates how mechanical priming modulates MSC-derived chondrocyte and macrophage behavior under stimulated joint conditions.
Investigates the impact of different mechanical micro-environments on the epigenetic reprogramming of stem cells and mammary epithelial stem cells. Also interested in determining how these epigenetic marks are changed or held stable when cells migrate between micro-environments.
T32 Trainee Department of Bioengineering Cohort 2024-2025
Completed explorations in the labs of Dr. Stowers, Dr. Dey, Dr. Dressaire, and Dr. Montell. Currently completing rotations in the lab of Dr. Dewey, having previously completed one in the lab of Dr. Montell
T32 Trainee Department of Bioengineering Dewey Lab Cohort 2023-2024
Investigates extracellular vesicles derived from extracellular matrix as drivers of musculoskeletal tissue repair in collagen biomaterial scaffolds. Also, applies human bone tissue engineering strategies toward coral regeneration.
T32 Trainee Department of Bioengineering Cohort 2024-2025
Completed explorations in the labs of Dr. Saleh, Dr. Pruitt, Dr. Dressaire, and Dr. Stowers. Currently completing rotations in the lab of Dr. Dressaire.
T32 Trainee Department of Bioengineering Stowers Lab Cohort 2022-2023
Studies the role of viscoelasticity on cell migration through a fibrillar network, using 3D cell cultures to determine the effects of matrix stiffness and stress relaxation on the activation of fibroblasts.
Studies the mechanics of collective cell migration and how different genes modulate the morphology of border cell clusters, a group of 6-8 cells in the Drosophila egg chamber that are an in vivo model for cluster migration. Also investigates additional Rho effectors.
Aims to create stable 3D channels in granular gel informing a functional artificial vascular that will support the growth of tissures in the selected culture medium.
Studies vesicle pore opening and disassembly by using colloidal membranes. Also seeks to make cross-linked vesicles that do not fall apart in the absence of depletants, resulting in vesicles with tunable pore sizes.
Aims to identify the fewest components required to generate sustained beating features in active microtubule-kinesin motor systems to develop synthetic cilia